Travellers must contact their airline directly for information or assistance related to items left onboard aircraft and lost, delayed or damaged baggage. Items left onboard will remain in the care of the airline.
For articles lost in the terminal building or on airport property such as check-in, arrivals or pre-board screening, our Lost and Found is located at our Airport Services Centre.
For Lost and Found information, please fill complete the form below and submit.
Airport staff will make every attempt to locate the lost item. If the item is found and its ownership can be verified, the owners may collect the item in person or, designate a family member or friend to arrange for pick-up at the Airport Services Centre located at 1710 Convair Place, North Saanich, BC, V8L 5V4. It is the building located just east of the air terminal building.
Please note that we do not mail/courier lost and found items.
Victoria International Airport does not take responsibility for damage to lost and found items. All items will be stored for a period of thirty (30) days after which time they are donated to a local charitable organization.
Lost and found items will not be stored when:
- there is a safety concern such as storage of hazardous materials;
- the item(s) is left beside or inside a garbage receptacle; or
- a perishable item(s).
For lost and found personal identification (drivers license, student card, government-issued documentation), airport staff will attempt to contact the owner. If unsuccessful, the item will be turned into the nearest Canada Post mailbox and returned to the issuing agency.
Note: All passports found or turned into the Airport Services Centre will be returned to the nearest Canada Passport Services office when an attempt at contacting the owner is unsuccessful.
For any items lost or left inside a taxi, ride-share vehicle, shuttle bus or rental car, please contact the company directly.
Lost and Found