Project Information

Learn more about current projects at YYJ and how they affect the airport and community.

1 – Runway End Safety Areas – Runway 09-27

As part of ongoing efforts to enhance safety and comply with Transport Canada regulations, YYJ is implementing significant upgrades to its runway systems by installing Runway End Safety Areas (RESA) at both ends of the runway. 

This initiative is in response to legislation requiring certain Canadian airports to equip their runways with RESAs by 2024 to improve safety during aircraft landings and takeoffs. YYJ is among the airports listed to comply with these new regulations. 

In 2023, we took proactive measures by constructing an embankment at the Runway 27 end. This embankment was strategically placed to fill a steep drop-off area, allowing for a full year for the material to settle. This preparation lays the groundwork for the final construction of the RESA, ensuring that the enhancements meet the safety standards set by Transport Canada. 

These upgrades reflect our commitment to maintaining the highest safety standards and ensuring the well-being of all passengers and crew at YYJ. 

2 – Taxiway Echo Rehabilitation

Victoria International Airport is set to rehabilitate Taxiway Echo, our busiest taxiway, to maintain optimal safety and efficiency. Following our latest pavement assessment in 2022, and continuous monitoring since 2010, it’s clear that three sections of Taxiway Echo require upgrades due to significant cracking and rutting observed. 

The main section of the rehabilitation is on the east end of the taxiway.  It will involve a full rehabilitation that includes removal and replacement of the pavement materials and the adjacent drainage systems.  The asphalt pavement on the west end of the taxiway will involve a mill and overlay process to strengthen the pavement and correct existing issues. This measure will ensure that Taxiway Echo continues to support heavy traffic safely. 

Other smaller areas in the vicinity of Taxiway Echo will also be repaved as required. 

These efforts are part of our ongoing commitment to uphold the highest standards of airport operation and passenger safety. 

3 – Storm Water System Replacement Apron IV to West Saanich Road

YYJ is committed to ensuring a safe and efficient airport environment and would like to update the public on our ongoing stormwater management projects. Our airport utilizes a network of swales, subdrains, storm sewers, and watercourses to manage stormwater effectively. 

Our stormwater infrastructure includes pipes installed as far back as the World War II era. To assess and maintain these critical assets, we have begun a comprehensive review and condition assessment program. 

This evaluation has identified the need to replace specific pipes between the Airport Apron IV and ȾEṈTEN (Tenten Creek). Additionally, several pipes near Willingdon Rd. and West Saanich Rd. are also scheduled for replacement.  

We appreciate the community’s support as we enhance our facilities to meet current standards and ensure ongoing safety and efficiency at our airport. Further updates will be provided as our projects progress. 

4 – Apron IV Joint Sealing – West

At Victoria International Airport, we’re currently updating Apron IV, a crucial area where airplanes are parked, loaded, or unloaded. This apron is made up of large concrete squares that can slightly move to avoid cracks from the stress of heavy aircraft. Over time, the seals between these squares can wear out, allowing water to get underneath and cause damage.  

The last time we sealed these joints was in 2002, and it’s time to do it again. We’ve already completed work on one half of the apron in 2023 and are now focusing on the other half. This maintenance work is vital to ensure that Apron IV remains a safe and effective area for aircraft operations at our airport. 


5 – ȾEṈTEN (Tenten Creek) East Bank and Restoration

We are enhancing a 100-meter section of ȾEṈTEN (Tenten Creek), positioned between areas previously upgraded in 2016, to prevent erosion and improve the habitat. This work, including the clearing of vegetation, creek realignment, riprap installation for erosion control, and the addition of habitat features like riffles, pools, and woody debris, supports our comprehensive creek stewardship plan. Alongside planting native species to boost biodiversity, this project also involves managing construction and environmental monitoring extending to West Saanich Rd. These efforts aim to improve water quality, support wildlife, and enhance the visual appeal of the creek, aligning with our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship. 

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