The Victoria International Airport is located on the homelands of the W̱SÁNEĆ People whose historical relationship to the land continues to this day.
Originally, this area was home to a thriving Garry oak meadow that supported a rich and diverse ecosystem, featuring grasslands, woodlands, and wildflower fields that would turn purple every spring when the camas bloomed. This land was and still is of particular importance to the WSÁNEĆ People.
We are committed to our work in strengthening our relationships with the Tseycum (W̱SIKEM) First Nation, Tsartlip (W̱JOȽEȽP) First Nation, Tsawout (SȾÁUTW̱) First Nation, and Pauquachin (BOḰEĆEN) First Nation by finding opportunities for meaningful partnership in the airport’s ongoing operations and future developments.
The last two years were pivotal for the Victoria International Airport in furthering its commitment to Indigenous reconciliation. For us, this has led to a review our procurement practices, our recruitment and hiring processes, opportunities for Indigenous cultural training for airport staff, and finding greater opportunities for W̱SÁNEĆ placemaking throughout the airport lands and terminal. While discussions with the W̱SÁNEĆ communities is ongoing, we are committed to reflecting on the Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action #92 and finding meaningful ways to put reconciliation into action.