Oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor)
SENĆOŦEN (Saanich First Nations Language): KÁȾEȽĆ

Oceanspray (KÁȾEȽĆ) is a deciduous shrub that bloom in late spring to early summer with clusters of white flowers, resembling sea foam. It prefers dry, well-drained soils and can often be found in open forests and rocky bluffs. This plant is a valuable resource for pollinators and is host to several species of butterflies, moths and birds. There is cultural significance with the hard wood used for tools, and the bark and leaves having medicinal properties. When KÁȾEȽĆ was in full bloom it was an indicator species as the best time to start fishing for Sockeye Salmon.

Light conditions: Full sun to partial shade
Blooms: June – July
Habitat: Forests, woodlands, rocky slopes
Sowing times: Early spring or late fall (from seed). Propagate through hardwood cutting, layering, or root division.
Complementary plants: Tall Oregon-grape, Nootka Rose, Salal, Great Camas

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